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Writer's pictureTrevor Chin

Justice for Rosie

“Justice for Rosie” Verdict Sarasota courthouse Tues. Dec. 19, 2023 - 8:00am


As thousands of people across the country have now seen, the owner of a food truck called Food Vigilantes, Alicia Kincheloe, set fire to a raccoon in a dumpster, burning her alive. How do we know she did this? Because she recorded herself doing it. She was giddy with anticipation before doing it, and very satisfied as she showed Rosie the raccoon’s burnt corpse afterward, stating, "We toasted his ass!" I don't know when I last saw such an extreme case of animal torture and cruelty. After the sheriff's department's investigation concluded, it was revealed that not only did that happen, but before that, Roddy Kincheloe stabbed Rosie with a pitchfork. He and Alicia then went to lunch for a couple of hours and when they came back, she was still laying there, suffering with her wounds. Instead of realizing the gravity of what they have done, they decided to then pour gasoline on her and set her on fire, causing her to suffer immeasurably until she died. Let her death not be in vain. Let her death be precedence for any psychopath in our County that is thinking about torturing and killing an innocent being. While the Sarasota state attorney's office did an amazing job in prosecuting Alicia, who was found guilty on both felony counts, nothing creates pressure than we the people uniting to be a very loud voice for this voiceless. This will also be a celebration of sorts, for the being that this is all about, Rosie. So we will stand outside of the courthouse with our signs reminding the public and the powers that be inside, that this was about a life taken in a violent torturous manner, and we will not stay silent until a proper sentence is given.

-Traci Lipton


On December 19th, Traci Lipton organized a demonstration outside the courthouse before Alicia Kincheloe’s sentencing hearing. Several activists including FVA’s Laura Weiss were present to advocate for Rosie.




Alicia Kincheloe was convicted of 2 felonies and that will follow her the rest of her life.

- 45 days in the Offender Work Program

- 2 years of Community Control followed by 3 years of probation

- “Changing your thinking” and “Anger Management” classes

- $2,500 fines and court costs

- She will not be able to have an animal in her care/home ever again. BUT…she supposedly has a service dog… and even this rule will probably not apply to her. It’s disturbing that she can accept help from some animals but can kill others!


The most disturbing part of Alicia’s testimony was that she was not sorry she tortured & killed Rosie at all!! She was sorry she made “a mistake” and filmed herself. THAT’S what she SAID.


In January, Alicia’s father, Roddie Kincheloe, will have HIS day in court and activists will be there as well. While nothing will bring back Rosie, they are sending a message that this evil, barbaric behavior cannot and will not be tolerated!!

-          Laura Weiss

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